3 Oven also available

90.1% efficient, using the patented Thornhill Turbo Combustion System and Catalytic converters, This is the cleanest, most efficient range cooker available. Using just 1.1kg of wood per hour, giving 6k W to room and can heat up to 180C in approx. 30 mins. The addition of the electric ovens, grill and hob make it the perfect all round cooker.

The most Eco Fuel-Efficient Range now available.

As we are the manufacturer with many years' experience, if you are unsure, please email or phone us and we can advise on your purchase.

100mm side with fire box, 50mm back distance to combustibles
6” (150mm)




This world-leading wood fired stove cooker/range is so efficient that, from cold, you can light the wood fire and be cooking at 180C in just 30mins. Then a 1kg log will last for over an hour, so a small basket of logs will easily take care of even the largest family roast dinner! The wood burns cleanly, leaving minimal ash and you can use logs up to 350mm (14”) long.


The Thornhill Ecorange wood fired cooker uses British Patented Turbo Technology & is a world leader for efficiency (lower running costs) and emissions. So clean burning it met the new 2022 EU Standards 10 years ago, and has just passed both the 2022 Ecodesign regulations and the higher German standards.

This, combined with a 100% renewable fuel, makes the cooker futureproof as well as a delight to own and cook on.


On the wood side, the 2 large rings are connected in the middle, allowing you to slide your saucepans around without damaging the centre.   There is plenty of room for 6 or more pans, plus a slide control allows you to boost the hot side by opening it up direct to the fire. In addition, there is a double halogen hob for fast cooking and summer use.

5 OVENS, 50 LITRES EACH. (35cm wide, 27.5 cm high, 52cm deep) AGA cookware will fit on the runners.

The 5 ovens (2 electric fan ovens and top oven grill) give a total cooking capacity of world-beating 250 litres. Approximate temperature difference on the wood side between the 3 ovens is 30-40 degrees. All ‘AGA’ cookware fits our ovens.

A true cooks’ cooker?

All this and still giving 4-6kW of radiant heat to the room. A nice cosy kitchen on those dark winter evenings, a glow from the fire and a glow knowing you are doing your bit. Put simply…


Click here for further information, full technical details and installation advice.

Customer Reviews

Het stookseizoen is weer begonnen en met veel plezier maken we ons mooie Thornhill fornuis weer aan. Leuk om te zien dat ons fornuis op de website van Graham staat en op jullie website !

Deze winter willen wij graag een houtkachel plaatsen in een ander deel van ons huis; daarbij is ons oog gevallen op https://burley.co.uk/product/wakerley-9112/

The heating season has started again and we are happy to light our beautiful Thornhill stove again. Nice to see that our cooker is on the Graham website and on your website!

This winter we would like to place a wood-burning stove in another part of our house; our eye fell on this https://burley.co.uk/product/wakerley-9112/

Hans, Holland

I just wanted to get in touch to say how absolutely wonderful the stove is. It uses so little wood and is still warm in the morning despite not adding a log after 7pm.
I was a little worried about how I would adapt to cooking on a range but it's an absolute delight to cook on and food tastes so much better than it used to in our electric fan oven. I've included a few photos of some of the dishes below!
Thank you for creating and delivering such a wonderful product.

Theresa R. York

Thanks Graham
I load it up with some pine as you said and that did the trick, very impressed how economical it is when I throw some Jarrah hard wood in. Burnt most of the day one 3 medium sized logs.

Gordon R. Perth Australia

Hello Graham,
Been a good year working with our range - couldn’t be happier! I’ve become a huge fan of this equipment.
Although where we live high in the Rocky Mountains, we use it constantly from October through May.

Tim B. Golden, Colorado, USA

We wanted to share pictures of our cooker.
We literally have people we don’t know stopping by to check it out. It is the talk of our small community.

Christopher B, Kentucky, USA

We tested "Ethel" to the max over Christmas! I had to produce sausage rolls for a party for which we were running late. I started making them, while Will fired her up from cold. It took me 15 minutes to have the rolls ready for the oven, which was up to 180 C as they went it. Cooked to perfection in 25 mins!
It really is superb!

Jeannie....Super Happy 😊

William K, Devon

Of course we were very curious how it would be using the cooker "in real", after having waited for so many months.
Now we can say: our expectations were quite high, but have by far been exceeded!!
Your cooker is THE eyecatcher in the kitchen/dining area, we love looking at it every minute of the day.
But then also it makes such a wonderful kind of heat and at the same time being astonishingly efficient.
Last time we were over in Wales the temperatures went down to about zero degrees at night. Nevertheless we found that we could switch off the central heating completely, all the warmth coming from your cooker together with the burley inset stove in the living room.
Everbody adores the cooker, too, and Gudula has used the oven and top plates every day of our stay.

So please let me take this opportunity to say a very big "THANK YOU", everything was 100% spot on, the cooker as such, communication, delivery and installation!!
PS.: Dave the builder was very impressed how seemingly effortless you manoevered the cooker into place!

Mike & Gudula, Wales

Just to let you know we got the local HETAS engineer to connect the stove and have now had a chance to fully test and use it to cook and for heating purposes

We are very pleased with the way it works and the speed with which we can achieve 250 C in the main oven. The electric AGA seemed to take days to achieve a decent cooking temperature

John, Devon

Just to let you know I met with your prospective customer today and showed them all the benefits of the cooker and also confirmed the excellent and personal service provided by Thornhill. They seemed very impressed, and why not. We love ours.

Stephen, Powys